It’s estimated that over 40% of Americans create resolutions for the new year. Unfortunately, only 8% of people actually achieve their resolutions, according to Forbes. Some of the top resolutions made every year are: eat healthier, exercise regularly, save more money and get a new job. Some 80% of these resolutions fail by February.
If you are determined to break the cycle of failed resolutions and really want to make a positive change in your life, the first step is to identify what is holding you back from success. The top reasons why new year resolutions fail are either because we set unrealistic expectations for ourselves, we don’t have the right mind set, or we do not clearly defining our goals.
It’s great to set the goal of landing your dream job but what are you going to do specifically to prepare yourself? Some people don’t take all of the components into consideration, and this sometimes prevents us from getting that job. For example, are you living a healthy lifestyle? Things like diet, exercise and sleep can really affect your performance, your mood, your look, etc.
Tips from successful leaders regarding creating resolutions you can achieve are:
Understand the importance behind your goal
Track your performance
Set clear desired results
Aim high, but start low
Celebrate your progress
I’d like to share with you a secret to success that is often overlooked. It’s simple, yet effective. It is this: celebrate the positives!What I mean by this is start acknowledging your daily wins and celebrate these positives. Give yourself daily affirmations. This can make a huge difference to your emotional health and can really determine how well you stick to your goals by staying positive or embrace negativity instead by admitting defeat. I recently heard of an idea regarding this concept that I thought was really neat. I actually started doing this myself. Write down on a piece of paper anything positive that you’ve achieved. It doesn’t matter how big or small these positives are. Put these in a jar and when December 31stcomes along, open the jar and read all of your notes! We often spend too much time dwelling on the negatives and don’t give ourselves enough credits for all the positives we achieve. Reading these notes are sure to make you feel good and leave you feeling motivated for the new year!
In a way to hold my own self accountable to achieve my resolutions, and also to sprinkle you with some inspiration, I’ve decided to divulge to my readers my own personal fitness journey. I recently started running, and in no way am I a runner, but by giving myself the tools I need to succeed and formulating a clear plan, I intend on successfully carrying out my fitness goals and celebrating my positives along the way.
What are some of your resolutions for the new year? Feel free to share in the comments below! Be sure to stay tuned in the upcoming weeks as we guide you through all the steps in meeting your job-related goals.