When you get really deep into a job search, you start to feel the impact of how much is involved.
Between networking, sorting through job openings, tailoring your resume, writing cover letters, interviewing, etc., it can get overwhelming very quickly. As the title of this article suggests, resilience is a key for the whole job search process. Resilience means staying motivated and having perseverance to keep going despite difficult conditions. Here is more about resilience and what it means when you’re looking for a job.
First, what is the definition of resilience?
Simply put, it is being able to adapt to adversity, tragedy, trauma, and stress. These things can happen in all areas of life like the job search but also with your health, family, or finances. The American Psychological Association says there are four main components of resilience. They are connection (having healthy relationships with people who empathize with you and make you feel like you are not alone during difficulties), wellness (generally taking care of yourself through your diet, exercise, hydration, sleep, etc.), healthy thinking (keeping challenges in perspective, facing change with a positive attitude), and meaning (helping others and finding your purpose).
There are several things that you’ll experience as a job seeker that may frustrate you and challenge your ability to bounce back.
One is constantly changing your resume and cover letter. It’s always a good idea to tailor these documents for each job opening/description which can become time-consuming. Another challenging piece is a job description that is vague and unclear leaving you confused about how or if you may qualify for the position. The interview process alone can be very challenging to your resilience because it may be long and stressful. Finally, being unsure what to ask for in terms of a salary can be a headache. All of these things (and more) have a potential impact on your mental well-being due to the stress they add to your life.
Fortunately, there are tangible things you can do to strengthen your ability to handle this stress.
One is to change the narrative of what’s happening to you. Find the bright side and put it into perspective. Another is just to go easy on yourself. Give yourself kindness and grace about what you’re going through. Don’t judge. Meditation is also a good way to have more resilience. It promotes mindfulness which centers you and gives you more ability to tolerate life and what it throws at you. And, generally having a forgiving nature and thinking positively will help you be more resilient.
It’s always important to have a supportive group of people around you when going through something long and arduous.
When looking for a job, first set yourself up with a good mentor. They can provide you with the support and advice you need when navigating the job search process. You can run job descriptions by them or ask them what they think about certain companies. Next is to expand your professional network through attending in-person groups, using LinkedIn, joining a committee, or volunteering. Finally, you can hire a professional career coach to look at all you’re doing and tell you what you’re missing. All of this support will help you persevere.
No matter what you do, job searches can just become unbearably long.
You may not find the right position right away, or if you do, the interview process may stretch out for months with no response.
Here are a few tips to leave you with if you find yourself in this situation:
Set realistic and clear goals. Be clear on your preferred job, field, and salary. Then, set smaller daily goals like how many jobs to regularly apply for.
Make a schedule. Block time on your calendar to perform job search activities just as you would for social events or going to the gym.
Keep your head up. Try to stay in a positive headspace. You’re going to likely face rejection along the way and seeing that every “no” only clears the way for the “yes” helps you persevere.
Continue to network. Never stop connecting with people who might get you to where you want to be.
Work on your skill set. While you are searching and waiting for responses, see if there are skills you can enhance that make you stand out more in your industry.
Pay attention to your health. The stronger you are physically and mentally, the more likely you can get through a period of stress.
Consider using a recruiter. If you’re having a tough time, see if a recruiter can help you find the right job.
Again, the job search process can be long and stressful, and that’s where resilience comes in.
Rejection, silence, financial stress, lack of routine, and isolation are all very real outcomes of not finding the job you need or want. Fortunately, resilience is not a finite thing and something you can grow. Use these tips the next time you’re feeling overwhelmed by the whole process.
Tips for maintaining motivation and focus during a prolonged job search
Conclusion emphasizing the empowering nature of resilience in the job-seeking