Since the invention of social media, many people think about their personal brand and how it represents them.
When you have an impactful personal brand, it helps you speed up achieving your goals and being memorable. A growth mindset matters when building your personal brand. This kind of mindset involves proactivity that centers on your belief that you can affect your future with your dedication and effort. Here are a few key reasons it matters.
When you adopt a growth mindset, you reframe what would be perceived as a failure. For example, if you delivered a pitch to a new client that didn’t go well, you will view this as an opportunity to learn what didn’t work. Instead of running away with embarrassment, you would ask for feedback as how you could have improved your pitch. You see challenges like this as chances to grow and are less fearful of taking risks.
Knowing your worth.
Feeling you bring something to the table is part of a growth mindset. If you want someone else to recognize your value, you must be aware of it yourself. Part of the value of knowing your self-worth and communicating what you bring to the table leads to more self-confidence. A trick to this is changing the language you use. For example, instead of using the simple phrase, “I did…” try using, “I helped…” Merely changing this one word alters the tone and meaning of what comes next in your statement.
Bringing attention.
It’s human nature for many to want to stay out of the spotlight and not want to toot our own horns. However, when building your brand, you want others to know about what you do. You need a growth mindset to be comfortable drawing this attention to yourself and to your strengths. Working on this helps you overcome the awkwardness of talking about how great you are.
As you go about building your personal brand, remember to think about your entire career and build your personal brand around that.
Truly reflect upon and take the time to understand what it is you bring to an employer. You can take other opinions into account, but at the end of the day, you create this brand for yourself. Keeping in mind all the concepts of a growth mindset helps you narrow in on what’s important and reflect it in your brand.