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Amy Leighton

Time Management Mastery for Aspiring Leaders: Making Every Minute

Good time management is a key to success, even more so for leaders of companies and organizations.

Leaders are called upon to perform many tasks, and the more they accomplish these tasks in a timely manner, the more people around them are motivated to do the same. However, people are so busy and overwhelmed by their personal lives or things going on in the world that it becomes difficult to time manage adequately. There are other factors that make time management a challenge. One is good old procrastination—something most of us are familiar with. As humans, we like to put things off if they seem too difficult, too tedious or unpleasant, or too stressful. Many of us also either don’t like to or can’t successfully multitask in a way that increases sufficiency. Distractions are another big reason we don’t can’t time manage as well as perfectionistic tendencies.

One of the biggest ways to start mastering your time is through learning prioritization skills.

You can start by writing down everything you have to do and categorizing them into daily, weekly, and monthly tasks. Then, you can narrow down this list by deciding which ones are really important. After that, you can tackle which tasks are the most pressing. Some people choose tasks by doing the most time-consuming project first to free up time for other important tasks. It’s also important to be realistic with yourself about what you can really get done successfully within a certain period of time.

Some people use the SMART method to accomplish their goals.

SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. This acronym helps you determine the important results your goals will produce. For Specific, think about what actions are needed to accomplish your goal. Measurable involves the data you will keep track of to know you are achieving this goal. Achievable simply addresses the question of whether what you want to do is realistic and something you have the necessary resources to accomplish. When it comes to the Relevant part, what you want to think about is if this goal aligns with all of your other broader goals. And finally, Time-Bound simply sets a limit for the time needed to reach your goal.

To further manage your time well, set a productive routine.

This includes getting up at a time of the day that is best for you and not getting drowned by your phone’s distractions first thing in the morning. Typically, being productive also involves having a good breakfast and getting some exercise first thing, even if it’s just a walk. Other things that help you be productive is writing down your thoughts in the morning, getting dressed rather than sitting in your pajamas all day, and keeping an organized workspace. Tuning into what works best for you and keeping up with that routine is most helpful for being productive.

Time is one of our most precious resources.

It seems to go quickly for nearly everyone and is something we can’t ever get back when it’s spent. In our pursuit of the perfect time management system (remember that perfectionism can also be a hindrance), we may lose sight of the importance of balance. Think of the most ideal time management as learning a healthy balance rather than a rigid, immovable system. Ultimately, this is what leads to a more meaningful and fulfilling life that inspires others.


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