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Setting Goals for the New Year When Looking for a New Job

January 1 of each year propels us to set resolutions. Whether it’s to get in shape or start a new diet, the new year has a built-in motivation factor. Why not use the excuse of a new year to ramp up looking for a job that is better suited to you? A key to meeting a goal is to have a plan. Here are several things to consider when looking for a new job.

Think about why you’re making the change. Before you leave a current job, do a deep dive into why you’re leaving in the first place. Do you really dislike what you’re doing or where you’re working? Honing in on what it truly is that’s bothering you will set you in the right direction. If you just don’t like your job duties, you know you’re looking for a whole new career. If you just can’t stand your boss or coworkers, then maybe a new company, or new position within your company, is all it will take to make you happy.

Research viable companies. If you do need to find a whole new company to work for, do your due diligence in researching the organization ahead of time. Look at their website and see if their mission resonates with you. Check out what others are saying about the company online. Do they have good employee reviews? No company is perfect, so look for the things that matter most to you—that might be good benefits or an autonomous work culture.

Update your social media. Most people are extremely active on social media nowadays. If that’s you, make sure your online image reflects the best parts of you. Consider removing any extreme opinions that could get you into trouble. If you don’t really use social media, set up a LinkedIn at a minimum, and then make sure you look for connections through the platform. While you’re looking for a job, makes some posts that reflect what you’re about. Give a potential employer, who is sure to look you up online before hiring you, the best impression you can.

Use the SMART method. Finally, when you go to set your goals for finding a new job, use the SMART method. The acronym stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely. An example of a goal that would match these parameters is: I will apply (Specific) for five (Measurable) computer technician jobs this week (Timely). If you have an education or background working with computers, that makes this goal Attainable and if you have the skill set, it is also Realistic.

One of the biggest hurdles for finding a new job is just setting your plans in motion. It’s sometimes feels easier to stay in a job you hate rather than get out there and start looking. Look at the tips above and just get started on setting your goals. It doesn’t mean you have to quit your job tomorrow, but having a plan in place will make your ultimate goals more clear.


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