One of the toughest parts is over.
You’ve got the employer’s attention and survived the interview process. Now you have one major hurdle to tackle before you land that job: how to follow up. Letting an employer know you really want the job is a delicate process. You don’t want to come across as annoying, but you also can’t be so laid back that you go unnoticed. Here are a few ways to stand out after the interview process.
Be prompt.
One way to get your potential employer’s attention is to send a thank you within a reasonable amount of time. Usually, 24 hours is the best. Think about the best way to approach the company, whether by email or a handwritten note. Your industry and the details you found out during the interview can help you decide which would be best for you. Look for hints about how important prompt communication is and how the company prefers their employees to communicate (i.e., email, in-person, or phone calls.)
Be up on your industry.
When you do send your note of thank you and interest to an employer, think about what you can say that is interesting. Research some topics or recent developments in your industry. Think back to your interview questions about issues that may interest your employer. Then, either include a link to an article or reference what you’ve learned from your recent research in a handwritten thank you. This not only makes you stand out, but it also shows you care about what’s going on in your industry.
Find them on social media.
In addition to sending a thank you note, connect with your interviewer and anyone else you met in the company on social media sites. If you send a request to connect on a site and your interviewer accepts it, you know you may have a good chance at advancing in the process. Expanding your network through social media is critical. Even if you don’t get the job you interviewed for, these connections could lead to finding out about other open positions.
Just like all other parts of the interview process, following up is important.
You want an employer to remember you and realize just how much you want the job. Still, you’ll probably have to become comfortable with the wait game. It’s hard to tell just how long it will take an employer to make a decision and let you know the result. Pace yourself when contacting them. For example, send a thank you just after the interview and also reiterate your interest, then perhaps wait another week before you reach out to them again. There is no set time in between, but use your judgment to balance between being enthusiastic and overbearing.