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The Importance of Describing Your 30-60-90 Day Plan in a Job Interview

Updated: May 19, 2023

If you have a job interview coming up, there’s a tool you can use to stand out among the competition. It’s called the 30-60-90 day plan which is a chart that maps out what you plan to accomplish at the one, two, and three-month mark in your new role. It’s an impressive document to share in an interview for several reasons. Here, we’ll dive into what’s included in this plan and how to use it in an interview.

The Importance of Describing Your 30-60-90 Day Plan in a Job Interview

30 Days.

In the first month at a new company, focus on learning all the tools your company has (software, hardware, technology) and what different systems they use on a regular basis. In this short period of time, you’ll want to gather information about the operations of the organization that you could only know about from the inside. There’s a public version you’ll hear about and then there’s what you’ll actually observe, and this is what you can focus on. You’ll also want to talk about the first project you’re expected to be assigned during these initial 30 days and getting to know the team you’ll work with.

60 Days.

At the end of the second month, your goal is to more deeply understand how the teams throughout the company work together. You should set out to understand who is doing what within the organization and how the teams communicate with each other. For example, how is the technology team interacting with the sales team? Where are the glitches? Observe where things can be improved. During this time, companies are expecting you to understand the more unwritten rules that have formed within the company. In other words, you should have an understanding of the internal dynamics.

90 Days.

Within 90 days, you should really be able to demonstrate the value you bring to the company. You want to set a goal of taking on larger responsibilities and working without a lot of supervision. Another goal during this time should be to not only be aware of key players within the company but to be connected to them in some way. Within the first three months, show an employer that you intend to be fully integrated into the organization’s culture.

You can see how setting these kinds of goals and relaying them during a job interview will impress a hiring manager.

Basically, what you’re trying to demonstrate to your interviewer is that you have a plan for your onboarding. They will have their own plan, of course, but this shows initiative and that you are more likely to stick around and be successful in your new position. It takes a lot of funds out of a company’s budget to onboard new employees, and they want to make sure you stick when they hire you. If they can picture you’ll do just that, it puts you ahead in the interview process.



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